Hazardous Chemical Information System (HCIS)

Hazardous Chemical Details

Cas Number 9001-98-3
Chemical Name rennin
Chemical Synonym
Hazard Category Eye irritation – category 2
Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure) – category 3
Skin irritation – category 2
Respiratory sensitisation – category 1
Hazard Statement H319 (Causes serious eye irritation)
H335 (May cause respiratory irritation)
H315 (Causes skin irritation)
H334 (May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled)
Pictogram Pictogram of Health Hazard GHS08 (Health Hazard)
Pictogram of Exclamation Mark GHS07 (Exclamation Mark)
Signal Word Danger
Notes 8 (The tables in schedule 6 of the WHS regulations replace some tables in the GHS, this may affect the cut off concentrations for this chemical.)
Sources EU (Classification information for chemical is taken from the European Union’s Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation.)

Hazardous Chemical History

Date Description
23/06/2016 Chemical Added